How to make a Sakuramochi, a rice cake with bean paste wrapped in a preserved cherry leaf.

This article is an introduction of an easy handicraft, a rice cake with bean paste wrapped in a preserved cherry leaf, called Sakuramochi in Japanese.

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Here is the list of things you need to start making it.(Japanese name)



・ohanagami           ← ※Sorry, I don’t know how to say this in English.


・green drawing paper (midorigayoushi)

・green origami(midoriorigami)

・scissors(hasami)      ←※two types

・craft glue(bondo)

・scotch tape(serohanteepu)


Almost all of the items above are usually sold in a hundred-yen store in Japan. You can find them in DIY stores, too. How about trying to make one?


Thank you for reading and watching the movie.